Friday 3 August 2012

We have a home!!!

After sleeping in 12 different rooms since we left Abbotsford 2 months ago, we now have our own home again!!!! We’ve filled up our closets, organized the kitchen and stowed away the suitcases and now we’re enjoying a lazy Saturday morning in a lovely space we call home…. 

And after much hassle and complications, our 3 big shipped boxes came the day after we moved in. We were so excited! They were supposed to arrive much earlier but in the end it worked out better because we got them delivered right to the door of our new place and we didn’t have to figure out how to transport them ourselves. It was so fun unpacking our stuff! Cody was thrilled to play with his familiar toys again… it felt like Christmas! 

And of course the boxes themselves are pretty fun… 

We are enjoying becoming familiar with our new neighbourhood…. getting groceries, finding good (and cheap!) places to eat, meeting neighbours, watching Cody at the playground, and talking with the guards. And tonight Darnell and I are going on a date!!! We haven’t been out on our own since before Makai was born- and yikes, he’s 4 months already! Needless to say, we’re ready for a nice dinner out just the 2 of us!!! And our dear friend Reg (who travelled with us for 2 weeks) is going to watch the boys. We are SO thankful to already have someone we love and trust to help us out! 

On Monday we start language training. We are really ready to get serious about learning Tagalog and are thankful for our friend, Bryan, who will be spending a couple hours a day with each of us as our language nurturer. 

As some of you might recall, we had planned to move to a small city up north called San Jose for a few months, but for several reasons, we decided to move straight to Manila. So now we’ve signed a one-year lease and feel good about having a home that isn’t temporary. Let this life of Manila-living and church planting begin!!!! :) 


  1. So excited for you guys. Miss you. Love you. Cody looks so big!

  2. Wonderful! Hope the language training goes well.

  3. that is sooo exciting. it must feel great to be settled again. Enjoy your date night--you deserve it!

  4. Good to see the pics of you in your new apartment. May it be a place of security and "home" for your family and a place of hospitality for others. All the best with language study.
