And he could not be happier. Here he is with Darnell walking out of the store, VERY excited that he could ride it home already.
He rode it quite confidently for the whole walk home and then had a major meltdown at our door when he had to come inside. He took nearly half an hour to decide where to park it and when we finally told him where to put and to just come to bed, he was certainly not thrilled!
We had been looking for a strider bike (little bike with no pedals for beginners) for months and had wanted to find one in time for his birthday. Well better late than never, we finally stumbled upon one at Toys R Us and we were very excited. The staff there tried to convince us that a bike with pedals was better…. I guess the whole strider idea hasn’t taken off here yet. But when Cody rode the bike for the first time in the toy store there were 10 staff watching in awe:)
So now we spend a lot of time going on walks with Makai in the back pack (see the little feet at Darnell’s waist?) and Cody on his bike… we get even more stares than before!

And here's a little Makai cuteness to finish of the post:)
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