- We told Cody all about the day mommy and daddy met. I told him that Daddy had a big smile when he first saw me because he thought I was pretty. We told him we went mini-golfing and mommy won (but Darnell had to throw in, "I let her!"). Cody was very interested and wondered where he was at the time. And then he said that he wanted to go Minnie and Mickey golfing too :)
- We went out in the morning to a mall nearby with lots of greenspace outside. They were holding a Volkswagen event and there was a great station for kids. The boys had so much fun colouring and racing little VWs around.
- Darnell and I had an afternoon nap. Ultimate relaxing day when that happens!
- We went out for ice cream after dinner. I wish I had brought my camera (or a phone!) because it was hilarious.... at least 12 staff at Coldstone Creamery did choreographed dances to several different songs. It is common here that when a store is slow/quiet they all break out in dance... how fun is that?? The boys loved it and at one point one of the staff was holding Makai while she danced and Cody was shakin' it too. Not only did we thoroughly enjoy the ice cream, but we got a great show out of it too! High-fives were given ALL around from the boys and the staff even did a little goodbye jingle for us as we left :)
- I may have gotten teary-eyed when we prayed as a family before dinner. I am so incredibly blessed with a most wonderful marriage and two little boys who bring us so much joy. I could not have imagined, 8 years ago, that this was where we'd be now. Thank you Lord!